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Editor: Clive Williamson - Musician and Producer with Symbiosis.

Goodbye to Kahurangi the Kōkako

We are very sad to hear from the Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre in New Zealand that their much loved and adored female Kōkako, "Kahurangi" has passed away. As a charming and cheeky representative of her endangered species, this beautiful bird [...]

2024-01-05T21:00:32+00:00January 5th, 2024|La nature|

Détendez-vous avec Symbiosis: A New Radio Programme by Clive Williamson

A relaxing mix of Music, Nature and Poetry Relax and unwind with two hours of calming music, nature sounds, birdsong and poetry from Symbiosis. Perfect listening for downtime, travelling and holidays. Symbiosis musician and producer Clive Williamson presents a special [...]

2023-12-31T12:50:14+00:00December 31st, 2023|La musique, La nature|

A Pocket Guide to World MusicA New Radio Programme from Symbiosis

Discover inspiring sounds from around the globe: from Afrobeat to Zouk, via the Bossa Nova, Cumbia, Ragas, Reggae and Salsa. Symbiosis producer and musician Clive Williamson is excited to announce that he will be presenting a new programme for Soundart [...]

2023-12-31T12:48:03+00:00September 25th, 2023|La musique|

Chansons d'espoir – Sur 50,000 vapeurs de l'album de chants d'oiseaux néo-zélandais sur Spotify!

We are pleased to announce that our album of birdsong and natural atmospheres "Chansons d'espoir - the Dawn Chorus on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Nouvelle-Zélande" has recently passed 50,000 streams on Spotify! Many of New Zealand's endemic bird species [...]

2023-09-25T10:38:44+00:00March 2nd, 2023|La nature, nature Sounds|

Beautiful Nature Sounds from Devon – Nouveaux EP de Symbiosis

Symbiosis are based in Devon and have released two new EPs of relaxing natural sounds from this beautiful county. On Devon Naturally, the recordings evoke the peace of a coastal dawn chorus; calming waves on the shore of a secluded [...]

2023-09-25T10:40:59+00:00February 8th, 2023|La nature|

Un demi-million de cours d’eau de la nature néo-zélandaise!

Clive Williamson and Symbiosis are proud to announce that the total number of tracks streamed from Clive's recordings of New Zealand's natural sounds passed the landmark figure of 500,000 early in December 2021. The most popular steaming platforms have been [...]

2023-09-25T10:41:57+00:00February 16th, 2022|La nature|

Symbiosis aide le personnel du NHS avec le téléchargement gratuit de l'album Relaxing Natural Sounds

Le concepteur sonore et musicien Clive Williamson a suivi les événements choquants de 2020 alors que des milliers de personnes sont tombées malades avec le virus COVID-19, inonder les hôpitaux au Royaume-Uni et dans le monde. Il était évident que le personnel hospitalier du NHS et les foyers de soins [...]

2023-09-25T10:34:21+00:0021 juin, 2021|La musique, La nature|

Enregistrement de l'insaisissable Kōkako

Enregistrement de l'insaisissable Kōkako Sound Recordist Clive Williamson a visité pour la première fois la réserve faunique de Mapara sur l'île du Nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande en 1996, dans l'espoir de capturer le chant envoûtant de l'un des oiseaux les plus rares de NZ, le Kōkako, avec son magnétophone numérique.. [...]

2020-04-25T07:13:03+00:0021 avril, 2020|La nature|

Clive Williamson: Qui coule avec la marée

Flowing with the Tide Celebrating 30 années de créer de la musique avec Symbiose, founder-member Clive Williamson has released a compilation of many of his favourite pieces with the group, titled Flowing with the Tide. The music ranges in style from [...]

2020-04-21T16:08:16+00:0010 janvier, 2020|La musique|


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